

Awaken White fury, blinding indigo Leviathan Leviathan Endless! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan Breathless! Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Restless! Leviathan Leviathan Test us! Leviathan Leviathan Tend us! Leviathan Leviathan Swell ye seas of old, Leviathan Leviathan Surging tides grow bold, Leviathan Seething currents whorl, Leviathan Leviathan To swallow up the world, Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Endless! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan Breathless! Leviathan Leviathan Deathless! Leviathan Leviathan Restless! Leviathan Leviathan Test us! Leviathan Leviathan Tend us! Leviathan Leviathan Mend us! Awaken White fury, blinding indigo Leviathan Leviathan Endless! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan Breathless! Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Restless! Leviathan Leviathan Test us! Leviathan Leviathan Tend us! Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Vengeance! Leviathan Leviathan Penance! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan Silence from the knife that softly severs Mistaken for an unsung prayer Now rising from the soundless Deep. Awaken White fury, blinding indigo Swell ye seas of old, Leviathan Leviathan Surging tides grow bold, Leviathan Seething currents whorl, Leviathan Leviathan To swallow up the world, Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Endless! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan Rend us! Leviathan Leviathan End us!Įnglish Leviathan Leviathan Endless! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan Breathless! Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan Restless! Leviathan Leviathan Test us! Leviathan Leviathan Tend us! Leviathan Leviathan Silence from the knife that softly severs Mistaken for an unsung prayer Now rising from the soundless Deep.

"Through the Maelstrom (Female Vocals)" was included as the 14th track in Before the Fall: Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack.Įnglish Leviathan Leviathan Endless! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan Breathless! Leviathan Leviathan Deathless! Leviathan Leviathan Restless! Leviathan Leviathan Test us! Leviathan Leviathan Tend us! Leviathan Leviathan Mend us! Drifting in the realm beyond all knowing Forsaken, shedding tears of glass Now tumbling from the boundless heavens, taken White moondrops, burning indigo Leviathan Leviathan Endless! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan Breathless! Leviathan Leviathan Deathless! Leviathan Leviathan Restless! Leviathan Leviathan Test us! Leviathan Leviathan Bend us! Leviathan Leviathan Rend us! Leviathan Leviathan Vengeance! Leviathan Leviathan Penance! Leviathan Leviathan Send us! Leviathan Leviathan End us! Silence from the knife that softly severs Mistaken for an unsung prayer Now rising from the soundless Deep. It is the 2nd track in Before the Fall: Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack.Ī female chorus version titled "Through the Maelstrom (Female Vocals)" was left unused, featuring vocals by both Srisombut Preechaya and Soken. The lyrics seem to be from the point of view of the Sahagin tribe, who revere and called forth Leviathan. This song plays in the second half of The Whorleater and The Whorleater (Extreme), once Leviathan uses his Tidal Wave attack. 4.5 Scions & Sinners: Final Fantasy XIV ~Arrangement Album~.4.4 Pulse: Final Fantasy XIV Remix Album.

4.1 Final Fantasy XIV: From Astral to Umbral Arrangement Album.3.1 The Primals: Zepp Tour 2018 - Trial By Shadow.1.1.1 Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers.
